Gay sex scene acropolis

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The film was first showcased at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in December but grabbed the attention of authorities in early January after it emerged online. The 36-minute short film, titled “Xeparthenon” – meaning “deflowering” in Greek– was shot by anonymous producers at the site that symbolised 'nationalism, the cult of Antiquity' and 'patriarchy'. Taking objection at the video of a sexual encounter between two masked men at the Unesco-listed list, the country’s Ministry of Culture said it has launched an investigation to track down those who filmed the movie. Greece’s Ministry of Culture has launched an investigation to find anonymous activists who shot film at the ancient Acropolis - X07402/AFP via Getty ImagesĪ gay sex scene filmed at Greece’s Acropolis, the country’s most historical and architecturally significant site, has sparked a furore after the short film was widely circulated online.

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